All about cycling

How to brake properly on a bicycle? Techniques, mistakes

We will talk on the example of the most ordinary mountain bike. First we’ll consider the most common mistakes, then some recommendations. Common mistakes when braking on a bicycle Failure or absence of one of the brakes Quite often we see people riding a bicycle, the brakes which are in poor condition, and even in...

What is cadence?

Don’t be intimidated by the name. A cadence is simply the cadence or the number of pedal revolutions per minute. A distinction is made between low cadence, high cadence and optimum cadence. A low cadence is a slow cadence where you have to put more pressure on the pedals to turn them. A low cadence...

How to pedal properly: sorting out the matcha of cycling

We’ve been going to a lot of interesting places on our bikes lately. And each time the bike trips get longer and longer. While we used to ride an average of 8-10km, the route of the last of our trips was 30km. For cycling to still bring pleasure and joy, it is good to know...

Cycling: what it is, history, major disciplines

Cycling: What it is Cycling is a type of physical activity that involves moving around on a bicycle using the movement of human muscular strength. Also cycling is one of the parts of triathlon. The main organization that oversees the sport is the International Cycling Union. It is based in Switzerland. Cycling is also one...

Cycling: benefits, harms and contraindications

It is believed that cycling has an impressive number of advantages and benefits, both for health and human condition. Many people even note that regular cycling can stabilize and improve a person’s mental state. However, it is also known that any sport can also go wrong, and cycling is no exception in this regard. In...

Why do seniors need to ride a bike?

There is no such thing as being too late to ride a bicycle. Someone who rides a bicycle regularly at an advanced age prolongs their life. Constant exercise reduces stress and helps relieve depression. Biking activity is almost shock free (second only to swimming), which also makes it easier to keep fit and protects you...

Cycling provides all-day energy

Riding a bicycle is generally suitable for everyone. And best of all: It is good for the joints and is the ideal sport, even for those who complain of knee problems, overweight people and the elderly. Cycling and cycling tourism are actively developing all over the world. This is not surprising, because cycling is easy...